vineri, 9 mai 2014

What is Melancholia?   First recall the definition ...pshihiatric order, according to which melancholy is considered a "pathological identity crisis".A certain structure creates behavior of these patients, namely, the balance between sadness and euphoria. Obviosly, such a definition fits the medical field. But it is superficial to make a pathological stigma applied a grid structure characterizing the great spiritual order "melancholy" of literary and artistic creation. Loneliness, emtiness, agony atmosphere, moisture, fog, black abyss, crying, trembling, macabre grin, phthisis, bled white, purple sunsets end of the world, cemeteries, ghosts skeletal coffins, corpses that decomposes bitter philosophy of the absurd, fear, madness...this is a restless conscience. And it`s late/ And I have not died....

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