marți, 11 noiembrie 2014


You are the literal universe
Not the center either
but the whole thing

Your blood is a galaxy
While your heart is a star
fuming with love and lust

But on your darkest days
Your eyes turn into black holes
Your soul turns into an empty void
destroying everything and anything you ever loved

Your bones that once structured your whole world
will crumble and turn into a dust of dullness

The scientist will diagnosis you with a word
that will be meaningless to you but still makes your heart skip a beat

But know that you're not broken
Your body of the universe is just expanding and growing
in this rather cruel world where we all have to call home


luni, 10 noiembrie 2014

                                       Smoke Melancholy       

In that period of time he began pouring his trust into a half a pint cups of local beer and cheap cigarettes, local as well, which he could afford, who would have guessed?...
He used to gaze at girls with a curious and contemplative look that was also full with sadness and despair, instantly advocating for the holy mission and function of the prostitutes and the escort ladies and he already a abandoned the idea of having a pet except the turtle.
From time to time he use to scribble incomprehensible prose and poetry and couldn't find any condolence even in Hemingway or Cobain.
His only consolation was with the pen and watching the sunset off the sandy sea shore, for he could be sure that the same sun isn't dying buy only moving to a better place.
It seemed like he will leave after him numerous beginnings for stories and a lot of middles as well...
Sometimes, it would have seems to him that the first end he's going to write is going to be his own.
Leaving behind communities of characters that all their world is nothing but a few words, that seems like they are going to prosper and blossom but they were faded and gone like the sole of the candle's flame on top of a birthday cake, which was blown off while giggling her childhood laughter, leaving behind a delicate and curly thread of smoke, that is gone in a blink of an eye.
At the age of twenty-two he began writing his own eulogy, like this miserable old woman, preparing her own shrouds, but from that too he was finely despaired.


Again I hide in the empty shadows
like a lumbering beast
felled by the pain of an ancient wound

A familiar suffocating grief
flows along salty streams
that carry me to sleep's warm embrace

I am gone, lost, fading day by endless day
hearing only the hum of the living world
and the endless ticking of the clock

Blindly I've stumbled upon
the well worn pathways of self rebuke
so strangely reassuring to me now

The ghosts smell blood in the water
already they are circling
sleep, sleep, blessed black velvet sleep

sâmbătă, 8 noiembrie 2014


Hello my love,
It's that time of the year again.
I've brought flowers and melancholy.
Time to sit under your oak,
Time to sprawl by your stone.
I wonder if you hear my stories.
Do you see my hot tears?
Are my jokes and pleas swept away on the wind?
Do not say that you cannot hear.
Don't say that you cannot see.
I need you to hear the words I never said.
I need you to see the love I seldom showed.
For I do hear you speak.
I hear you in my most sacred dreams.
I feel the whisper of your breath through these grasses.
I swim in your sound on this hilltop.
Tell me the words that I have been sobbing:

                                    Sunset on the lake


Sinking hearts, going down
Thought I'd be better again
Why be so silly
And let emotions rule you
Why be so senseless
And let someone know you

No one thought in the beginning
I'd be so lonely and sad
No one thought
I'd be so melancholy and grave

Why let gloomness rule you
Why let grave thoughts haunt you

I'd love to be back
From where I started all this
I'd love to get all the things
I used to dream of
I'd love to know
That someone did care
When I said I'd be flying to the moon oneday.

marți, 4 noiembrie 2014




Slowly drifting
Fading fading
Sitting still with no rhyme or reason
Routine routine
Yes sir yes ma’am
Yes we’re very pleased
Well I’m not
But that doesn’t matter I suppose
Call me melancholy
Bringer of gloom and pessimism
Never shying from reality and realistic tendencies
Sitting sitting
But for what?

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luni, 3 noiembrie 2014

                                  Beautiful landscape


You call this a journey,
so I'm looking for my path.
Feeling lost beyond this road;
in a state of confusion
with no more comfort illusions.
I'm going nowhere,
yet feeling rushed.
Just looking for some answers,
to questions not even known.
Like a dark cloud pending rain,
I'm waiting for my downpour.
I'd ask for your hand,
but I don't even know where I am.

duminică, 2 noiembrie 2014



you spiteful bitch.
Creeping in,
seeping ever deeper
into my bones.
Nestling in and making
a nice little home for yourself.
You weren't invited in here
And yet you come in, obviously
planning a lengthy stay.
Please just go the fuck away.
I can't stand it
when you come around
And hound me from the inside
Pounding on my brain
Controlling my very
train of thought
And surrounding my soul.
You threaten to
swallow me whole
You ravenous whore
And to tell the truth
I'm utterly bored with
this little dance we have.
Just stop, cease this game.
You have no place here.

                               Beautiful landscape


Unde numai nu te-am căutat,
chiar şi-n haosul sufletului meu,
doar cenuşa -m găsit unde cortul ţi-a stat,
fără semn despre calea ta, drumul tău.

Apă, aer și lumină-
nimic de soarta ta nu știu,
plecată fără veste, vino,
redă speranţa unui sufletul pustiu.

M-alintă uneori fantomele mângâerilot tale,
cu voluptate mă sărută visul buzelor de foc,
mă chinuie regretele de ne-mpăcare,
mă ceartă ceasul rău de nenoroc.

Apă, aer și lumină-
nimic de soarta ta nu știu,
plecată fără veste, vino,
redă speranţa unui suflet pustiu.

Atât de mult neputinţa mă doare;
să trăiesc nu pot a doua oară viaţa,
să iubesc din nou a tinereţii floare,
leac de dor să-mi fii în ceas de dimineaţă.

Apă, aer și lumină-
nimic de soarta ta nu știu,
plecată fără veste, vino,
redă speranţa unui sufletul pustiu.

sâmbătă, 1 noiembrie 2014


Noaptea după care zorii nu se mai aprind...
e undeva în drum, EA vine,
tristă fantomă, un ultim gând,
umbra luminii.

Noaptea după care reveniri nu mai sunt;
caleidoscop de culori, lacrimi de dor,
în memorie nu se mai aprind,
frumoase amintiri cu dulce fior.

Noaptea după care alte nopţi nu mai vin...
scrise şi nescrise toate filele-n ultima noapte rămân,
cu trandafirul uitat în pocalul cu vin,
cu visul devenit peste noapte strein...
Niciodată n-ai să afli,
cât te- am căutat printre aştri;
tu eşti în alt univers,
fără iubire... şi vers.

marți, 28 octombrie 2014


                                Land of dreams

                                    Culorile melancoliei     

Auzi? cade petala din floare,
zici că se scutură?... nu, moare!
auzi cum geme vântul lovit de ram?
poate vântul eu eram,
lovit de ramurile cuvintelor tale,
am rămas fără petale...

Cândva întâmpinam noaptea în doi...
acum singurătatea e mesager între noi;
unde eşti să-mi legeni insomnia,
să-ngrop regretele, să uit melancolia,
să-mi ridic aripa în ultim zbor spre vis,
să scriu un ultim rând din ce n-am scris.

Pe rănile amintirilor cununi de spini îmbrac,
cu taina nopţii durerea îmi împac,
lumina sting, deschid fereastra,
alung durearea neagră despre amintire albastră,
cu dor te caut pe pierdută cale,
mai sunt vii sentimentele tale?
Luntrea vieţii mă poartă din val în val,
rătăcind printre vise, departe de mal,
fiecare vis e un val, fiecare val e un vis,
dor neiubit, cuvânt nescris,
sărut imprimat pe scrisoarea neexpediată,
din ce n-a fost odată...


Plouă... pământul spuzit plăcerea savurează,
din belşug miroase a toamnă şi melancolie,
obosită și tristă tăcerea vibrează,
– ce e trecut, n-o să mai fie;
toamne tot o să vină şi plece,
doar viaţa numai se trece.

Plouă... natura se împrospătează
în culorile belşugului fardată,
valsul plecării toamna dansează,
frunze scuturând la fiecare poartă;
ca să revină la anu, o toamnă mai pleacă,
câţi din noi o s-aştepte să te petreacă?

Plouă...lacrimile cerului setea fierbinte irigă,
strugurii cuminţi sângele lui Hristos nasc,
timpul din fugă ne strigă,
să nu dăm şi viaţa la teasc;
plouă... e toamnă, e viaţă, e bine,
tu eşti cu mine.


Râul sufletului meu fără luntrea sentimentelor tale,
nu-şi mai poartă apele pe albia firească,
amorţite-s undele în fior de aşteptare;
chemarea dorului să vâslească,
spre luminişul împăcării,
din limanul iertării.

Vii uneori în nopţi cu vise anonime,
te văd la căpătâiul meu îngândurată,
ştiu, ai cuvinte de reproşuri pline,
te implor – spune odată,
mai eşti lopătar în luntrea iubirii,
sau poză în albumul amintirii.
Rugina timpului nu poate şterge urmele tale,
ale iubirii petale...

                          Road violet and silent trees         

luni, 27 octombrie 2014

                                 Clipe de toamna      

Rupe din viaţă o clipă
Şi te uită,
Cum cade o frunză
Timpul o schimbă
Din al său verde crud
Pe pământul ce-i ud
Spre galben roşcat
Acum, când şi dealul pare vărgat
De fugile iepurilor în lung şi lat,
Iar frunza ajunge la maroniu
Cu tentă de pământiu
Într-un târziu
Ca o ultimă tuşă
Trasă de o mână nevăzută
Si fără mănuşă
La al toamnei castel
Ce din frunze, clădit e şi el.

Mai rupe o clipă
Că ea… a ta viaţă n-o strică
Şi admiră
Iar de poţi şi cânta la a ta liră,
Splendoarea culorilor frunzei căzute
Pe care ai vrea, s-o apropii de buze
Ca pe-un fruct
Copt şi rupt
De-a ta mână de om
Din acel pom
Pe care apoi,
Când l-ai privit,
Ai zărit:
Cum frunza l-a părăsit
Întruna din clipele
Timpului fără sfârşit.

                                 Frunze moarte    

Paranoic vântul bate și în vânt
pădurea leagănă crengile-i pustii.
Pustiu e codrul, doar pământul
păstrează un covor cu frunze aurii.
Iluzoriu soarele sclipește printre nori;
Pe câmpul uscăcios răsar uscate flori;
Sub cupola cerului zboară negre stoluri,
Se pierd în orizont, rătăcesc în nouri.
Timpul bleg aleargă șchiopătând,
Zboară chior pe-aripi de vânt.
Mireasma frunzelor de nuc și-al ierbii vestejite,
Pribeag adie prin văzduh, mirosuri rătăcite.
Spațiul suferă schimbări de o senzație străină
Iar în orizont răsare un curcubeu plin de rugină.
E toamnă, frunza-i rară, podgoriile-s pustii,
S-au strâns și fructe și legume,
Pustii sunt lanuri și câmpii. 


Paranoic vântul bate și în vânt
pădurea leagănă crengile-i pustii.
Pustiu e codrul, doar pământul
păstrează un covor cu frunze aurii.
Iluzoriu soarele sclipește printre nori;
Pe câmpul uscăcios răsar uscate flori;
Sub cupola cerului zboară negre stoluri,
Se pierd în orizont, rătăcesc în nouri.
Timpul bleg aleargă șchiopătând,
Zboară chior pe-aripi de vânt.
Mireasma frunzelor de nuc și-al ierbii vestejite,
Pribeag adie prin văzduh, mirosuri rătăcite.
Spațiul suferă schimbări de o senzație străină
Iar în orizont răsare un curcubeu plin de rugină.
E toamnă, frunza-i rară, podgoriile-s pustii,
S-au strâns și fructe și legume,
Pustii sunt lanuri și câmpii. 

                                 Vant de toamna     

Cad frunzele în codru
Și vântul lin adie
Văzduhu-n zori răsună
De grea melancolie

Grăbite păsări multe
Tot ceru a împânzit
Zăresc în haos mare
Spre largul răsărit

Bătrînul soare scade
Nu mai admiră flori
Renunță și adoarme
În perne moi de nori

Câmpia vestezită
E tristă și săracă
Nu are flori în salbe
Și gâze pentru joacă

Cu undele în tremur
Un loc în vale geme
Avuse mari coșmaruri
Și slab fiind se teme

E tristă armonie
În lumea fermecată
Iar vântul lin adie
În noaptea întunecată

Din bolta cea albastră
Cad stele mii și mii
E frig ,e jale mare
În plopii străvezii

Natura pare moartă
E trist ,fără suflare
În codrii fără viață
O lume nouă moare

Atât cât prinzi cu ochii
E plin de farmec vrajă
Căci toamna e regină
Și vântul rece strajă!

                                Vant de toamna      


                                         Poem de toamna       

pomii se dau pe-ndelete cu însingurarea
îşi pregătesc migălos adormirea

Frunză cu frunză
Arsă de soare
Leagănă ramul
Leagănă ramuri

frunză de frunză desprinsă în vânt
se îmbată cu aur dansând
fire steluţe împresoară câmpul
înfloreşte alb pământul

                                    Adio, toamna!      

Adio, toamna, te privesc prin geam.
Mai cade-o frunza de pe vechiul ram.
Siroaie reci din cer margele curg,
Iar clipe triste tot se scurg, se scurg...

De cite ori te-astept in viata-mi lina
Vii tot mai tinara, iar eu-tot mai putina
Te-astept sa-mi vii din nou cu zile calde,
Iar tu mi-aduci in dar suvite albe...

Frumoasa toamna, vei veni din nou,
Chiar si atunci, cind eu voi fi ecou...
La fel va fi si ploaia, si-al tau vint
Stapina-mi esti mereu pe-acest Pamint!

Adio, toamna,te petrec cu drag
Sau... ma petreci? Din ramuri frunze cad.
Tu vii si pleci, tu mori si'nvii- se pare
Vei exista atit, cit este soare! 

duminică, 26 octombrie 2014


Complement me, I will deny it.
Be friendly to me, I will wounder why.
Smile at me, I will look away.
Wink at me, I will check for my wallet.
Kiss me, I will doubt your intentions.
Ignore me, I will fade away.

My melancholy self, needs some help.


Some times I just break down and cry,
Some times my heart tells me that I want to die,
Let me be,
Someone please rescue me,
I sleep with my poison thoughts,
Even though there so terribly infatuating,
I can only spend my time accumulating,
My melancholy mind,
Setting up a tight bind,
I live to be just so sad,
How did I ever get this bad?,
Am I going mad?,
No this is just my Melancholy Mind


To lose you
is to have you
Each passing hour
Waiting to gain an our

To look at you
is to see the world
Petals unfolding
Living without knowing

To talk
is to know how to walk
Through your dark twisted games
Flickering warmth of the flames

To let you go
is to die alone
No hand to reach the sky
Decorating the pain with lie
I never wonder why


briefly there's a window easily accessed.
its rare loneliness, still touches, skin deep
it's the night with windows rolled down
with empty roads. it's the rain
on the lake, and no one knows;
they've rolled down the blinds.
it's the dusk and moonless sky,
cautious awareness of dim lit
stars, though they hide.
it's a storm in no where, winds
never die, and there's cold
felt through your skin, and
you're feeling a hundred
years old.


My heart aches when I remember
The time we spent together
Talking, laughing, smiling, loving.

But time fades memories away
Like an old Polaroid without an owner.
All that's left is pain and torment.

A few tears can bring a whole fortress down,
As long as the pain is directed to the heart,
And nothing is left, but a terrible scar.

I want you, but I don't want you.


There are no words to explain,
Exactly how you look,
When I can finally see the pain
Lift from your eyes
And there is no way to describe
The feeling I get when you look into mine.
Your flawless warmth radiating through my frozen body, I can feel the smile spread from my lips
To my heart,
Opening my lungs with the melancholy joy you fill me with.
You're perfection that is much too beautiful to walk this earth,
And I'm sorry you must bear the pain that comes with it,
And I'm sorry you've fallen for me,
That you've fallen for a mess.
I'm a joke, I'm garbage, I'm a wasteland,
But though I'm a mess,
I am a mess that loves you like no other mess could,
And there are no words to describe
How I am not sorry
That I have fallen for you.


It's amazing,
How when one is down in the dumps
one finds melancholy in everything
Like the simple sound of water as it collects in the porcelain sink

Stark loneliness like razor blades licking the flesh
The piercing silence once cherished becomes unbearable
Sometimes all a human needs is the sound of another person flipping pages in the next room

No trace of the morning's lucidity
Or serenity

Like clockwork the numbing ensues

The perennial rain complements the lingering depression
And so does the black hoodie on my back.


The wind tickles my moustache
cigarette tips its ash
must remember to get that waxed
or relationship could be axed

My hair is looking grey
better buy that dye today
my nails look discoloured
but couldn’t be bothered

Still got the voucher for the gym
I’ll put that in a card for him
Son’s birthday coming up, 25
open lines of communication, strive

Today’s feeling is melancholy
haven’t got the energy to be jolly
ah, here’s the bus
paste on smile, face life thus


Lights forgive a certain gloom deep inside
Standing under the sun, I hear the command undone.
But when I look up to it, I feel the hurt within
Too much of something has always been bad.

Rusted tears fall from my eyes,
Pleading to let go of the diabolic deeds of days bygone.
The more I try to bury it within,
The lesser the effort it takes to remember them again.

Dreamers sit by the banks of a river,
Looking out at the valleys, as the grey clouds settle in.
My mind awash with a million thoughts of betrayal
The destruction of a broken soul slowly starts to kick in.



I see people in the mirror
I hear voices around my head
I see a little guy on my shoulder looking at my head
Theres a little heart in my chest looking all red with no set

Round shining dots with no twinkle in the sky
Bees on flowers with pointy needles seeking honey in my mind
Cars of the road never less travelled cause of foot prints there but also... just there

Objects of non creation stationed to not hear
Notes of words never sung
Strings of guitars charging my phone
This is the afterlife of creation breaking the peter of where i am


Standing all alone at dusk, at dusk
Watching stars join the moon one by one
On her journey through the night
I reach out with my left hand clutching air
Where your right used to be

I want to run away, far away
Far away from these memories
And maybe find a new dawn
Where we can watch the sun rise again
Over the mountains that kept us apart

The things that brought me to you
I can't find them anymore
Like an old rusted, worn-out road sign
The letters don't make sense no more


The black clouds hath not warn me, nor the pale dusk,
With you by my side, I couldn't see the sign,
You will remain in my heart forever; you can erase me if you must,
Loneliness shall be my dinner, tears my vine.

I know it wasn't easy, I know it wasn't fair,
We had laughter, we had our sadness; we had our share.
I don’t want you to forgive me, I won’t apologize,
I’ll remember our love throughout eternity, only coming back to you wouldn't be wise.


In the single drop of your tears
I could feel the core of your heart
Deep in mourning for years
Now the tears roll down silently
For years, submerging your soul
In the sea of melancholy
Waiting for someone to hold your hand
And pull you towards the shore



what a dreary blank expression
she carries on her pretty face.
as the breeze kisses her neck
slightly more than she’d like
she feels cold.
it’s time to go inside.
but before any motivation to get up
reaches her apathetic mind
she sits there, cold
and thinks, nothing


You call this a journey,
so I'm looking for my path.
Feeling lost beyond this road;
in a state of confusion
with no more comfort illusions.
I'm going nowhere,
yet feeling rushed.
Just looking for some answers,
to questions not even known.
Like a dark cloud pending rain,
I'm waiting for my downpour.
I'd ask for your hand,
but I don't even know where I am.


here you are,
sadly bittersweet.

you are the persisting vision
of a falling star.
its trail of light
remain before me
even after it’s long been gone.
i’ve tried to catch it
with my feeble hands,
only to grasp nothingness.

you are the aftermath
of an earthquake,
of which i found myself
at its epicenter.
even after rebuilding,
i found
that nothing is
as it was.

you are the tune
that keeps playing
over and over again
inside my head.
i’ve being lss-ing
over your memories,
singing a song
i’m not sure
if i’ll ever hear again.

you are an aftertaste,
a persisting vision,
an aftermath,
an lss
that i wrap around myself,
holding me together,
keeping me from falling apar


you spiteful bitch.
Creeping in,
seeping ever deeper
into my bones.
Nestling in and making
a nice little home for yourself.
You weren't invited in here
And yet you come in, obviously
planning a lengthy stay.
Please just go the fuck away.
I can't stand it
when you come around
And hound me from the inside
Pounding on my brain
Controlling my very
train of thought
And surrounding my soul.
You threaten to
swallow me whole
You ravenous whore
And to tell the truth
I'm utterly bored with
this little dance we have.
Just stop, cease this game.
You have no place here.


Melancholy streets
fill my mind,
deranged moments
are easy to find.

On the corner
of hate and desire,
faith desserts me,
I am on the wire.

Bequeath my soul,
spread my wings.
Extinguish the fires,
finally I am free.

sâmbătă, 25 octombrie 2014


You mustn’t look behind
You mustn’t look ahead
Stay in the sideways they say but it can be hard when surrounded by cunts
Your future is bleak and non-existent
Your past too melancholic
So sideways you look regardless of the numbing pain engulfing you
Your foreground fades to background
Your background foregrounds, highlighting futility
Looking sideways is how you stay until future and past collide

You should’ve looked behind while the choice was there
Or ahead, at least


I'm very tired
And it's very late at night
My thoughts keep me up
It's getting harder to fight

I think about my failures
And everything I've done wrong
How I fuck everything up
It's all a familiar song

My words are getting literal
I can't disguise my guilt
The hatred for myself
In every direction it's built

Well rhyming gets so hard
When I try to write my mind
Because I'm unable to find the words
That could shed light

Even without a rhyme or a rhythm I find it hard to articulate these dangerous thoughts I have. As many writers do, we have this sense of frustration because no combination of syllables can really portray the emptiness and sadness that lives in us. Styron called it "melancholia", but not even that will suffice.


Heavy clanging of funeral bells greet
newer, bleaker days in the same turmoil.
Men and Women alike run fast to meet
greener grass sprouting out the same black soil.
I cut laugh lines into my pallid face
and throw my head 'neath freight trains each new morn'
I find little solace or change of pace
in carving the page to express my scorn.
My dark fantasies of death and sorrow
plague my night and cast shadow over day.
The other souls are simple, vain and weak
that shuffle on wires with little to say
and no fighting spirit of which to speak.
For each smile, there runs a bitter tear.
Just let me sleep, wake me when Death comes near.
It's been a long day.



The beautiful entity that hides in the walls of insecurities,
Drenched in septic opinions.
Purity in a brink of lost from the influence of invisible fears,
Drowning, almost - breathlessness
Little bit of innocence and its essence, survived!
Making life still worthwhile.


As the angels burn on by, like comets in the sky
Where madmen worship dreams & the rabbits dance and sing
I think I've lost a piece of me
We'll drown out sounds of lies & stay hidden from the spies
A slithering serpentine with venomous reality
I'll fade away in me, to a star struck fantasy

As the children tumble down, to a hidden underground
We'll dilute the world of men & close our eyes again
& the embers never fade, in a land of heart & spade
We'll wash away the words

As the kings & queens wage war
The jesters dance & I adore
In a kingdom crumble, I've stepped and stumbled
& the inner city ghouls, my friends among the fools
Cling to the night
The bright spotlight, of the night


Again I hide in the empty shadows
like a lumbering beast
felled by the pain of an ancient wound

A familiar suffocating grief
flows along salty streams
that carry me to sleep's warm embrace

I am gone, lost, fading day by endless day
hearing only the hum of the living world
and the endless ticking of the clock

Blindly I've stumbled upon
the well worn pathways of self rebuke
so strangely reassuring to me now

The ghosts smell blood in the water
already they are circling
sleep, sleep, blessed black velvet sleep


Mistakes made in maddened misery
Elation escaped her ear to ear
Loathing latent loosened lament
Anger to anguish assuredly
Nebulous nightmares negate naivety
Crushing cold creeping constantly
Hazardous heart helplessly heaving
Obstinate obstruction oblivious
Love left limping leisurely
Incessantly I imagine ineffective ideas
As annihilation acts to apprehend me


It's rearing,
soaring close to earth,
every hour you lift your hanger
to see how close it's getting
and it's approaching
soon it will all be over
we will all be done
all of our attempts at life
wasted or spent well
because in an hour
the earth will be no more
melancholia will have swallowed us whole



I'm not sure if you and I have ever
been apart, long enough to make me
wrest my dark secrets
and revive you from the back of
my manic mind.

You have been my companion
for however long it could have been
and I have tried as much as I can
to run from you.
Away from you.

But sooner or later,
your easy reach into my soul of torment:
you know where to hide, where to look for
the things I thought I lost,
will make me return to you.

And with this silence,
I thee wed. 


Head to toe black.
My roommate says elegant
I say funeral.
It matches my mood.
I am dressed as my muse
I am waiting, silently,
for the blow.
I am waiting silently
for unanswered questions.
I am waiting,
with bated breath. 


It's a melancholy kind of midnight as I sit here chasing dreams,
Whiling away the hours with my well-worn reveries.
Cocooning myself in a blanket of whimsy as the moonlight gleams,
I melt into a world where I am welcomed heartily.



after months of darkness
i take little pills of light

i don't know who i am
without the sadness
without the shadows
without the dreams of death

i am ordinary
and i'm not sure
how to deal with that



Melancholia in the waiting room
Feckless amongst the flowers
I'm the bouquet of gardenias
for June
My mouth like gossamers --
Like Sumatran tigers
Like silver shoes
Eats the snake before the fruit
And my sickly feet like her own
Albescent and poor
Like the melancholia of the moon
Like a deathless pining for ephemeral embodiments—infinitely unfulfilled

                                 Melancholic Melody

The first song I ever drummed to
Was also, unfortunately,
The last song I ever drummed to.

But I'll never forget the way
The drumsticks fitted into my palms
And the rhythm just seemed to flow;
It all seemed so natural

The way my hands hit the drum and
My leg slammed the pedal,
All that anger channelled into a

Beautiful beat.

To that magical instrument I not yet have,
Fear not for we will one day reunite.
I will play you with
The beat of my heart,
Let the music flow and
Emotion part.

Thank you for returning
My right of expression.


Your absence sits on my skin

As layers and layers  

Of  Melancholia

Feeding off

My flesh and bones

Until I m no more

But Melancholia.            

joi, 23 octombrie 2014


                             Moments of meditations           

duminică, 5 octombrie 2014


                           Toamna pe malul lacului              


In noaptea eterna, lumanarile-s stinse,

Te caut mama, prin cioburi de vise,

Cu aer peren, vagi forme imbraci,

Din camera ta, te aud cum taci.

Ce-ntarzie clipa, acum si mereu,

Cand ma vei afla cu plansetul meu?

La icoana ta, aici, ma inchin,

Privirea cobor si ma stau putin...

miercuri, 1 octombrie 2014


De liniste cuprins, murit-am deci sau mi se pare, 

Ca simt miasma ierbii, suav miros de floare,

Pamant intins in palcuri curg ciulinii,
Se-nchide ochiul apei pe urmele luminii.
Trec pasari. Mai sus ca sufletu-mi de ceara,
La marginea padurii, cu umbre, ma-mpresoara.
Amurg, incet, coboara, cu aripi moi si reci,
De liniste cuprins, murit-am deci....

                                       Ploua-ntr-o zi ...

Taram intr-o zi, iar, fiinta cu mine,

Facea echilibru precar, poteca cu rime.

Romantice visuri pluteau prin baltoace,

De ploaia atinse, cu stropii de ace.

Si inima uda-n-zadar astepta...

Si norii tacuti picurau lipsa Ta....

De mila-mi plangea vazduhul apos,

Suspine curgeau acide in os...

sâmbătă, 27 septembrie 2014

                                   Carton heart of chocolate

There the irony, hardley lost in me,

as the scarlet wrapping, of a heart,

now vacant the chocolates

lie wasted in the pile of my rubbish.            

marți, 23 septembrie 2014

                                    Words in the night

Just these words in the night

I love you, I want to hide

All of that, bury it inside

Travel from soul to mind

And I come and I reach for you

Sleeping, peaceful, what to do?

To wake, or to let linger

In the blessing I won`t have tonight

Helpless, when you are my light

I`m no bother, you`re too kind

My breathing, hold me save from sights

That will make me blue

And cold as winter

luni, 15 septembrie 2014

                             Melacholic mood

My life is a spiraling abiss.

which the slings and arrows of misfortune never miss.

I should stop feeling like this

Sorry to get in the way of your happiness.

sâmbătă, 13 septembrie 2014


I am no longer a human.

I am an animal.

An animal to feeds on sadness.

Who thrives for nothing but deep melancholy.

A melancholic, if you wish.

I thrive for the feeling where you feel nothing.

Not even a spec of eagerness or a dash of enthusiasm.

Because at that point, you`re suddenly interesting.

                                       The Melancholic String

Love flies,

the words die.

Emotions flow,

as the autumn sets,

and the winds blow.

 The red leaves cling,

seagulls sing,

yet a melancholic string...

thoughts cease,

emotions freeze, 

then the cold breeze,

take me to the edge of utopia,

where loyalty exists, 

whith no worldly grease.

joi, 11 septembrie 2014

                                          Melancholic screams                               

The whisper of loneliness

The singing of my empty heart

Dragging my feet

heavy as a metaI

If only there`s a portal

Because in this ghostly streets,

there`s no one to meet 

nor someone to greet

Thoughts running back

from yesterday

Being nostalgic the whole day

The silence going to suburban

Thinking back home, 

the sun`s all gone


Okay.I`m done

It`s just in the thousand miles, 

I want to screem and run

But still, I just cant`t

So here I m today

Trying to wear a smile

Telling myself

I can`t!



joi, 7 august 2014

Go meaningless without road withot end. I soul emty. Honey, you often hear rustling poplars, the sad pray my soul to get close...

marți, 15 iulie 2014

Close the eyes water light footsteps. Fly birds. Above that my soul wax. The forest shadows surround me. Twilight slowly descends with wings soft and cold.

duminică, 13 iulie 2014

marți, 24 iunie 2014

                               Swan Lake - Night

sâmbătă, 21 iunie 2014

On this night I will not ask anything. Silence will speak to us while the wind will play soft autumnal summer song, and we feel in black and white, between the moon and earth obscure tired. My body, remodeled, it will curl over yours, building their nest architecture of your meat. We drunk drenched in lime scent, trying to decipher the mysteries of amorous passions zodiac. Past and future are intertwined in our night alchemy of love, as a transparent canvas over steel crinoline currently endowed with name and form a cocoon. Storm clouds will gather in front of, kidnapping inanimate light that break the spell secret nights. We will dissolve the wailing of a bow, we draw the infinity sign to the ultimate flight, the night I will not ask anything, leaving silences speak to us...

marți, 17 iunie 2014

It`s a dried root as a cross of cherry. Both left childhood and scintillating shadow rushing like the cherries whitch tempt me to get drunk with their memory or unwritten poems flavor...

duminică, 15 iunie 2014

                                        Swan Lake

O, stay, stay with me, I love you so much! . Yours I only wish all know how to listen . In the dark shadow you like a prince . What looked deep waters with black eyes and quietly . I see you as charming kidnapped voice murmured softly . In water glow stretching barefoot . And the full moon the flaming lake . Your years seem like moments, sweet moments seem like centuries.

joi, 5 iunie 2014

vineri, 30 mai 2014

Woods lake blue, yellou lilies uploud .

Twitching in white circles, he shuddered a boat.  And I pass along the sides, like Listening, Waiting. Her reedy to rise and fall smoothly on my chest .Charmed to float sum soft light of the month.But it comes...lonely in vain sigh and suffer.

duminică, 25 mai 2014

Sweet sorrow....My body`s made of cells and cells are made to keep you ceged / I keep awake to celebrate my sweet escape / I`ve seen the flames of this hell and made it either way / So why be afraid, It`s okay /When this small talk graces keep me warm / Like a small-pox blanket in a storm / When the rainfalls and entrenches all that gets touched / Making evergreens to defend against the next one / If I keep it up eyes shut and me feet are stuck / Icarus wings adjust just so I can reach the sun / These are symtoms of an optimist / Melancholia kissed him on his bottom lip / And here I am, a picture of accomplishment / Mixture of the opposites insecure and confident / So is this a path of glory / Or a dead end to a lonely saddened story / Where I buried my confession I married my depression / And so I oblige breast stroking side to side / Till the stroke inside my breast gets hold and I abide /It`s a trend that I`ll follow in time / I pretend that I ought to be fine / I set to write a portrait out of my emotional confessions / This is spring cleaning for a closet full of bone collections / I`m not alone the monochrome is so infectios /

marți, 20 mai 2014

I just want to lose your meat / Odors me drunk / Wish flood me with their secrets / The chid in me laughing woman rushing / Tenderness, concrete, ilogical and rebel pussy .../ What, again, will beat his fist on the table ... the eternal feminine elegance co dementia / ... For she`ll include you learn, you kill in her blood, mixing whit avidly / And squeeze all the juice being fantastic, what a slow leavens in your being ...